eyelashes lithe shadows on your cheeks

Progress: Just finished an intensely sexy pantoum inspired by this prompt. I’m still one poem behind (from Wednesday) and hope to catch up tonight when I get back from my afternoon errands. Edited 9:05 pm to add: I just finished a fairly silly little poem about Peeps, so I’m now caught up.

Mirrored at joannemerriam.com.

4 thoughts on “eyelashes lithe shadows on your cheeks

  1. Argh! You’ve done a pantoum! I’m supposed to do a pantoum and nearly forgot, even though I wrote it down. Thank you for reminding me and do let me know when it gets published! I don’t think I’ve seen a whole lot of your more formal forms 🙂

  2. I have a pantoum and two villanelles in the Summer issue of 42 Magazine, but otherwise I don’t think I have any formal poems coming out soon. I’ll certainly mention it when I do — in fact you may have a problem getting me to shut up about it! 😀

    I think it was your mention of pantoums that got me thinking about them, so thank you for that!

  3. “now there’s a phrase one doesn’t see every day”

    But it should be.

    Maybe May should be NaInSePaWriMo.

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